Thursday, August 30, 2012

Our Miracle, Our Owen

After 49 hours of labor including 3 hours of pushing and an emergency c-section, our miracle entered this world. Owen David Myers Brown was born on January 26, 2012 at 5:13 pm.

He was 22 inches long and 8 pounds.

Our labor was long and rough, and because of the trauma Owen couldn't breathe on his own when he was born. He was bagged and after about 20 seconds he took over breathing on his own.

Once he was stable, Jared got to go meet him and then he brought him to me. I think I was in shock in finally seeing him for the first time and realizing that he was here and he was alive and he was safe.

I can't compare our labor and delivery to anyone else's. Yes, I would've loved for it to have gone smoothly and more easily (I expected it to be like this), but it is what it is (and it was freakily similar to this). It is our story, our experience. God crafted that labor to be exactly as He needed it to be.

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