Thursday, September 4, 2014

It's Friday, it's Friday!

This week is flying by! 

We've enjoyed getting play areas to ourselves now that everyone's back in school! 

We'd forgotten how nice it was to be the only one somewhere... 

Aunt H told us about these awesome cups! It holds a drink but also has a spot for a snack in the top, complete with a flip top lid. I finally found one and Daredevil loves it. I try to have it ready after preschool!

Our feeding group went well this week. He liked eating with his friends. I really enjoy talking to the other moms so I don't feel so isolated. Daredevil ate veggie straws and the green goddess naked juice drink today. He tried some yogurt for gagged after eating it. Still progress every week! I was extremely proud of him. 

Enjoying more playtime without a multitude of friends. 

My first block of the month club group met tonight! We all made three blocks. I'm so excited for my crazy, bright, and lively quilt! 


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