Friday, November 14, 2008

A Big Deal!

It's funny now; what things seem like a big deal and what things don't. Well, one thing felt like a big deal for me the other day.... changing my radio stations in my car. I'll tell you - it felt like I was cutting all of my ties to Indiana once I set the last one. Funny, you know, what will feel difficult and what won't. How about them lemons!!!??

We also got the boys nails trimmed and ears cleaned last night. Then we did a quick clean-up around the house since we're going to be out of town this weekend (going to the in-laws). I hate coming home to a dirty house so now we have clean sheets, trashes emptied, floored cleaned and vacuumed, house dusted, laundry caught up and shiny sinks throughout the house! I also got the pups all packed up and I laid out all of Jared and I's stuff but he's going to pack it when he gets home today.

This weekend we'll be in Sterling. I want to go to the Tuff Dog Bakery and Jamie's Candle Loft as well as the Farmer's Market to get pork burgers and I have put in a request to eat at the Candlelight Inn for Saturday's lunch. We'll see. It seems that Jared and I going to Sterling has turned into a family affair as now Nick and Josh are also coming. I guess we're popular.

Hope you have a fabulous weekend, too!

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