Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Date Night

This was our day... I woke up to this towhead!

10:30-12:30 ABA with K and K

12:30-1:30 ABA Team Meeting

2:00-2:45 Dr Apt

3:00-5:00 ABA with D

6:00 Lifegroup BBQ - thank God we still have friends who want to invite us over.

8:00 Preschool Board Meeting

Then home to put Daredevil to bed, followed by date night. Wait, what? Date night? That late? Who was home with Daredevil? Are you kidding me? Mr Tech Guy has to be at work at 6 am tomorrow! No, seriously.

We've learned that when life is this busy and chaotic and sad and beautiful, you get to be creative with date nights. While I put Daredevil to bed, Mr Tech Guy ran to get some Oragel for Daredevil --- two year molars --- ugh! Anyway, he comes home with supplies for date night - SMORES!

We laughed, joked and goofed around while we made our yummy smores.

It was a quick date, but a fun one. And one that may also have included Sister Wives season premiere and 19 Kids and Counting season finale where Jill got engaged! What exciting lives we lead.

Don't mind our date night appearances, it had been a long day!

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