Friday, June 20, 2014

David B"Owie"

Has everyone seen the cult classic, Labyrinth? Remember, David Bowie and his crazy eye make-up? Here's a refresher if you don't.... Oh, that Goblin King.

So, Daredevil thought he'd channel his inner Goblin King the other day.

He got into my eye make-up and imitated my action, putting on the eye make-up with the brush and everything! I couldn't help but laugh. He's so cute, even when he does resemble David Bowie.

This week, Daredevil's been sneaking in plenty of snuggles and playtime with Gammy and Grandpa and "Bub."

Don't these two look so guilty here? Hmmm, what are they up to?

Even Bub took him to a park without telling us, so I had to send Mr Tech Guy on a seek and find mission since my mom and I were elbows deep in cinnamon sugar for a project. Our Daredevil's been super busy but it's been a fun week.

I hope you all have an awesome day.


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