Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Advent Calendar of Activities -- DIY Idea

I love counting down to Christmas. My whole life I've had an advent calendar of some sort. Traditionally we just had a calendar that we moved daily to signify it getting closer. Some years we got a gift to open each day of the advent. Last year, I DIY'ed a PB inspired advent calendar that we displayed and I filled with candy and treats and small treasures.

This year, I wanted something a little different. Since we've been married, we've tried to do one holiday-inspired thing each day in December but good intentions don't always work out. So, this year we decided to create an advent calendar of activities.

First we decided on 25 of our favorite holiday traditions and I typed them up. Then we printed and cut them out.

Then we folded them up one by one!

And, finally, we place it in its new home.. the santa cookie jar. Now we can pick one each day and complete that activity. I'm really looking forward to it!

What is your favorite thing to do during the holidays?

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