Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Guest Room Facelift -- DIY

So, if you know me, you know I get bored with decor quickly... and this season made me want to give my house a fairly superficial facelift.

I painted the numbers of the front of the house, painted an accent piece out front, painted the downstairs bathroom, put up a new shower curtain and other accents in the master bathroom and I re-vamped the "green room" (which is the smaller of the two guest bedrooms). So far, it has only cost $1 (for red spray paint) to re-vamp the room, but it isn't done. I'm still working on getting it all put together the way I want it.

In the "green room" we had a black and white comforter that I was done with. I had had it once and for all and I HAD to get it out of there. So I pulled out this duvet I'd picked up at IKEA awhile ago and got it situated on the bed.

The I knew the wacky purple art piece (see above), had to go, too. I went shopping in my house and found a B that I hadn't used yet and a frame that we had from our WEDDING (4 years ago) that we hadn't done anything with... I started to ask what I could do with those pieces.

Hello, Frame. Please meet Mr. Spray Paint. I had the picture ready for our garage sale for a quarter. I decided to take the frame and leave the rest in the garage sale. Maybe someone will want it? Maybe?

So I sanded the frame just enough to rough it up.

I got out the sawhorses and sprayed away. J gave it its second coat for me. The red was perfect for the room in order to tie in the bedding. I think it was Fire Red.

Here's the finished piece. I think I'm going to spray and add some other frames around this one to give it more life and dimension, but for now it works just fine. I hope it'll eventually have this feel to it, but for now I'm satisfied. It feels a lot fresher for its $1 price tag.

Do you know any cheap ways to re-invent something?

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